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 Cracked JGuard Version

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 20
نقاط : 1616
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2020
الموقع : https://diablo-vsro.yoo7.com/

Cracked JGuard Version Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Cracked JGuard Version   Cracked JGuard Version Icon_minitimeالخميس يوليو 02, 2020 11:36 am

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

#--- PROTECTION ---#
► Automatically detect real server files ports (new)
► Automatically setup firewall rules (new)
► Advanced exploit protection.
► Real client protection system.
► Blocked known exploit opcodes.
► Block unknown opcodes(later purpose, will block new exploits automatic).
► Bytes protection per second.
► Packet protection per second.
► Flood protection.
► Flood detection start limit.
► Flood action (Disconnect, Ban).
► Exploit action (Disconnect, Ban).
► Packet action (Disconnect, Ban).
► Unknown action (Off, Disconnect, Ban).

#--- GATEWAY ---#
► Register Gateway IP.
► Register real & fake login port.
► Disable captcha ability.

#--- AGENT ---#
► Register Agent IP.
► Register real & fake game port.
► Ability to SPOOF(For proxies)

#--- AGENT2 ---#
► Register Agent IP.
► Register real & fake game port.
► Ability to SPOOF(For proxies)
#--- SQL ---#
► SQL support.
► vSRO DB support.
► Logging system.

#--- LOG ---#
► Ability to store all chat. ◄
► Ability to store private chat. ◄
► Ability to store global chat. ◄
► Ability to store unique kills. ◄

#--- ADVANCED ---#
► Ability to set Battle Arena register level.
► Ability to set CTF register level.
► Ability to block skills inside CTF and Battle arena
► Ability to block reverse scrolls under job state.
► Ability to block resurrection scroll under jobstate.
► Ability to block exchange under job state.
► Ability to block exchange under pvp state.
► Ability to block exchange for EU while CH can use it [for PVP servers].
► Ability to disable skills inside FW.
► Ability to disable skills in game.
► Ability to disable PT in specific regions.
► Ability to disable Zerk in specific regions.
► Ability to set Global level.
► Ability to set Plus limit.
► Ability to store player information(Real IP, UserID ,Charname, status, Login date).
► Ability to make a roles for staff members [like preventing an account from using mobkill or makeitem ,etc.]
► Ability to set a limit per IP/HWID for every single teleport ◄ (new)
#--- DELAYS ---#
► Exchange delay in seconds
► Stall delay in seconds
► Global delay in seconds
► Reverse delay in seconds
► Restart delay in seconds
► Exit delay in seconds
► Zerk delay in seconds
► Pills delay in seconds (prevend pills bug in FW or for bot users)
► Trade (buy & selling goods) delay per day or hrs
► Ability to make countdown for each skill instead of changing skill delay from skilldataxxx.enc (new)

#--- LIMITS ---#
► PC limit option
► IP limit option.
► Ability to allow StrUserID(s) to bypass limits.

#--- INFO ---#
► Ability to set fake players.
► Ability to set max players.
► Ability to set ShardID.
► Ability to enable/disable.

#--- Reward system ---#
► Ability to give players reward/hour.
► Ability to set different rewards(SILK,POINT,GIFT,COIN).
► Ability to set reward/hour start level.
► Ability to set reward/hour reward amount.
► Ability to give notices when rewarded.
► Ability to limit the reward per IP.
► Ability to limit the reward per HWID.
► Ability to reward a players for playing CTF. ◄ (new)
► ex: Silk/hour or Arena coin/hour or etc.. ◄

#--- MISC ---#
► Ability to send welcome message to players.
► Ability to edit welcome message.
► Ability to set JGuard message handling(Notice, Private, Off).
► Ability to disable restart button.
► Ability to set delay for restart button.
► Ability to disable avatar blue granting from NPC.
► Fixed about guild exploit.◄
► Fixed invisible exploit.◄

#--- BOTS ---#
► Prevent third-part programs from buy/selling goods.
► Prevent third-part programs to enter the game.
► Prevent third-part programs to enter Fortress.
► Prevent third-part programs to enter Job temple.
► Prevent third-part programs from alchemy.
► Prevent third-part programs from joining Arena.
► Prevent third-part programs from joining CTF.
► Prevent third-part programs from joining Fortress.
► Prevent third-part programs from using Pills.
► Prevent third-part programs from PVP cap.
► Prevent third-part programs from sending / accepting / forming PT.
► Prevent third-part programs from walk in specific regions.
► Get messages in JGuard when people is using third-part programs.

#--- EXTRA ---# (Updated)
► Ability to enable Region reader.
► Ability to enable Anti job Cheat.
► Ability to disable mounting fellow pet under job mode
[/COLOR] ► Ability to enable Anti job Trace.
► Ability to enable Fortress blocked skills.
► Ability to enable Anti fortress trace.
► Ability to enable Anti fortress resurrection scroll.
► Ability to disable Academy creation.
► Ability to disable Academy invite/join/accept.
► Ability to disable Fellow pet under job mode.
► Ability to disable change skin under job mode.
► Ability to set Guild limit.
► Ability to set Union limit.
► Ability to set Job char limit per IP or PC.
► Ability to limit entering Job temple per IP or PC.
► Ability to Store HWID w/o using PC limit.
► Ability to open or close teleport at certain time. ◄ (new)

#--- FORTRESS WAR ---# (Paid feature)
► Ability to limit entering FW per IP or PC. ◄ (new)
► Ability to reward the winner guild's members by specific rewards
► Ability to set reward for every FW
► Ability to set limit for reward per PC we IP
► Ability to reward the players inside FW region only

#--- UNIQUE KILLS ---# (Paid feature)
► Ability to reward players for killing a unique ◄
► Ability to reward players for killing a unique under job mode ◄ (new)

#--- AFK ---# (new)
► Ability to detect afk players.
► Disconnect afk players inside CTF/ARENA. (new)
► Prevent afk players from reward per hour system.
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